Elijah Levy, Ph.D.
Consulting, Training and Program Development for Mental Health Agencies
Consultation for Mental Health Services
I have been working with individuals living with persistent, severe mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Bipolar and Related Disorders in inpatient and community, residential care settings for 35 years. As a consultant, I am available to design psychosocial/psychiatric rehabilitation programs for residential care facilities and inpatient programs.
The residential care facilities I design programming for have produced impressive program accomplishments such as self-publishing anthologies/books of poetry, in addition to residents achieving their recovery goals to earn discharges to more independent living programs. Residents at Founders House of Hope where I have worked for the last 28 years, have enrolled at Cerritos College and pursued occupational preparation programs to obtain part time jobs. Further, our residents have shortened their length of stay by immersing themselves in our capacity building program emphasizing skill acquisition, self-determination and illness management. The program philosophy at Founders House of Hope instills self-efficacy, empowerment and we make sincere, genuine investments in each resident's recovery program by providing the needed services, supports and resources for residents to lead satisfying lives outside of Founders.
Training to Become Culturally Competent Health Care Providers
I offer training dedicated to supporting agencies invested in training their employees to become culturally and linguistically competent providers. Since health care providers are at risk for developing compassion fatigue, I also provide self-care training to generate self-awareness in employees to create and maintain healthy, work, family and life balance to sustain wellness lifestyles.
Life Coaching/Mentoring
Are you dissatisfied with your work, relationships and can’t seem to motivate yourself to set meaningful goals with purpose? If you are then not acting will only continue to erode the quality of your life and you’ll feel hopeless about your future and not experience enduring and genuine happiness. I can help motivate you to set purposeful goals, explore why you’re dissatisfied with work, create a wellness lifestyle and consider re-careering to find your true and fitting work.
The coaching relationship will hold you accountable to achieve smart, measurable goals and increase self-esteem, self-determination and confidence. You will empower yourself by challenging assumptions of your abilities; by honestly asking yourself who you are and who you want to become. The coaching relationship will enable you to gain more control over your life and provide you with opportunities to change by expanding your power. Not acting only widens the gap between the real self and the ideal self. The gap needs to narrow so you can reach for the best in you and realize your aspirations and ideal self. The longer you wait to act, the more it hurts the quality of your life. Admit it – you’re aware you need to change but need insight, self-awareness, guidance, confidence and support of a life coach.

What People Say About Elijah
Dr. Levy is a deeply thoughtful, caring individual who encourages and inspires all who come in contact with him to pursue their aspirations with conviction and courage. He emphasizes high ethical standards, critical thinking, and respect for diversity. His concern for the needs and well-being of others is rare and genuine. I am and will always be extremely grateful for the support and guidance he has provided me.
I had the good fortune of meeting Elijah when I applied for an adjunct teaching position at the University of Redlands. The university assigned him conduct my in-person interview and teaching demonstration. I had limited teaching experience at the time and, were it not for Elijah's calming, encouraging demeanor, I might not have performed well and, as a result, may have decided teaching was not for me. He was (and is) a model of intellectual vigor tempered with authentic humility and empathy that I took with me when engaging with my students in the years to come. I am deeply thankful to have met him at that critical stage in my personal and professional journey and know that the impact I have had the opportunity to make in the lives of my students is in part due to his influence on me.
Dr. Elijah Levy
Dr. Levy offers training on:
Material on Cultural Literacy
The American Mosaic, A Tapestry of Faith, Intercultural Awareness, Philosophical Foundations of Heroism

Literature on Mental Illness
I Deserve to Feel Great About Myself
Capture the Beauty of Recovery

Recovery is only possible when faith in self, hope and a commitment to reclaiming your genuine life is made. Anything is possible when self-determination, self-confidence and supports and resources are available to you.
Elijah Levy

Your entire donation supports the psychosocial rehabilitation program that enhances our resident's quality of life.

Trucare Foundation for Mental Health Recovery
A 501 (c) (3) nonprofit foundation dedicated to supporting the psychosocial rehabilitation program, services and supports to restore meaningful living to individuals living with severe, persistent mental health conditions in our residential care facilities.
The facilities supported by the foundation include: Founders House of Hope, Woodruff Care Home, The Chateau, Bay Breeze Care,
Windsor Hall, Villa Redondo
Employer Tax ID Number: 88-0588493
We Achieve Epic Things
Residents have written books of poetry
Filmed a documentary about our program
Provided occupational preparation enabling residents to work in community
Discharged residents to independent living
Supported residents in their academic pursuits to earn certificates/degrees

Recovery from mental illness is a process ending with righteous splendor; restoring meaningful living; the joy of returning to your authentic self.
Founders House of Hope is a 90-bed residential care facility providing psychosocial rehabilitation programing for consumers living with Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders and Mood Disorders. Residents are admitted to Founders from inpatient psychiatric programs in Los Angeles and Orange County, in addition to the VA in Long Beach and Los Angeles.
We are a capacity building program -- achieving this through skill acquisition groups such as illness management, self-esteem building, health and wellness, relapse prevention, resiliency building and community reintegration. Increasing functional capacity means residents learn to manage and control their mental health condition and leading a satisfying life once discharged from Founders.
The services/groups provided by Dr. Levy at Founders House of Hope include the following:
Supported Employment * Hope and Optimism
Assertion Training * Vocational Rehabilitation
Social Skills Training * Self-Esteem Building
Impulse Control * Building Resilience
Relapse Prevention * Illness Management
Community Reintegration * Social Problem Solving
Creative Expression (poetry writing, art) * Medication Education
The psychosocial rehabilitation program and skill building groups are designed to increase our resident's functional capacity to manage their illness, increase overall level of functioning, build self-determination and enhance quality of life. Each resident lists their rehabilitation/recovery goals on their treatment plan and the services and supports essential to pursuing their goals are provided. We can provide information or refer the resident to agencies for pursuing transitional housing and employment so the resident can lead a satisfying life in their community of choice.
The program goals include building self-empowerment, self-determination and self-sustenance. Our consumers tend to feel neglected and socially isolated making it difficult to generate a positive evaluation/self-concept. The focus of the program is identifying capabilities and interests, developing vocational skills, consumer strength and instilling optimism and hope that they can create a meaningful life and future. The services represent reservoirs of hope. All elements of the program contribute to creating a therapeutic milieu and environment of social caring. A unique model of self-empowerment and reinforcement for effective decision making leading to increased life satisfaction is promoted in daily programming.
Our task at Founders is not monumental. We make investments in residents motivated to recover meaningful living -- which means we’re a restorative program. We restore life a resident enjoyed before being diagnosed with a mental health condition. Living with conditions on the Schizophrenia Spectrum or Bipolar Disorder reduces one to a shell of who one was. Our task is to fill the shell with what was emptied such as work, relationships, reuniting with family, an apartment, leisure and hobbies and school. We do relatively well here -- given that the resident agrees to pursue meaningful goals aimed at restoring what the illness took away. We restore a voice taken away from the resident -- partner with residents to provide the services, supports and resources to generate meaning and purpose. Our residents learn to ask the questions that matter the most to their life -- and when they do we’re more likely to intimately understand what matters to them the most. We’ve got fertile soil here at Founders -- it’s my metaphor for saying once we plant you here, we’ll add water and nutrients for you to blossom.
Living with Schizophrenia means enduring cognitive intrusions such as auditory hallucinations, delusions and paranoia. Our residents need to be liberated from these sensory disturbances because we derive our sense of being human from our experiences and ability to act -- to make our own decisions and pursuing goals we desire. Doing so nurtures our sense of personhood. Psychosis -- such as delusions, hallucinations and disorganized thinking produces a vacuum of personal identity -- the shell we spoke of earlier. Add powerful forces such as stigma to do battle with -- and discrimination when searching for work or an apartment; devaluation and the resident internalizing the idea that he/she is “Other” than the dominant population. In the end -- these forces can defeat one and have the resident surrender to their condition. We need to destigmatize mental illness by being advocates and helping remove myths that shroud Schizophrenia. Stigma has people living with mental health conditions feel irredeemably tainted -- devalued and marginalized. Our work here is to validate each resident’s fundamental personhood and support them in reconstructing a self and life. We do real good in this area. We begin to do this with genuine empathy -- without it nothing is achieved. Empathy is your capacity to take the role of the other --it’s asking the resident: “Tell me what it’s like to be you” Doing so conveys to the resident I am genuinely interested in trying to understand cognitively, and emotionally how you experience your condition and how it’s interrupted your life.
One of our program accomplishments is a book /anthology of poetry that residents of Founders wrote in 2014 and a documentary we made in 2007.
In this collection of poetry, individuals living with mental illness convey in an intimate, evocative and vivid style their longing for acceptance, meaning and recovery. The therapeutic benefits for the mentally ill writing poetically is a journey of self-discovery and the writing process organizes and clarifies their situation in life. For the mentally ill, writing poetically by using imagery and metaphor is a safe passage to reclaim who one was before the illness emerged. The metaphor relies on an analogy or symbol to create new meaning by expanding the imaginative mind that ultimately pushes one into a new reality that generates insight. The metaphor is fascinating because of its power to silently express a complete picture in an instant. Individuals living with symptoms of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder are a vessel of truth and writing poetically about suffering transforms that truth in a way that makes it meaningful and amenable to healing. What is dormant, and undoubtedly shameful to disclose is awakened, and although it describes the limitations the illness imposes in their lives, it energizes one to act in some way to heal the pain, overcome and defeat ongoing devaluation, loneliness, stigmatization and alienation. In the end, it is hope that gives life meaning and sustains faith for the good life. Without hope, one lives in despair and futility. Meaning gives one the strength to overcome. The evocative nature of poetry transforms silence, alienation and insignificance to sound. The mentally ill live in their safe, beautiful, intimate and private world. The written word-- the poem, allows one to share this experience in a public forum for others to identify with and ultimately connect them to the larger world to reduce alienation and increase integration. At some level, the healthy mind will invariably understand the depth of suffering and through empathy, the ability to take the role of the other, appreciate and render compassion to the mentally ill.

In this illuminating, intimate documentary portraying individuals with schizophrenia and mental illness, viewers witness how the mentally ill are managing their illness and leading self-directed lives at Founders House of Hope, a residential care programs for the mentally ill. The documentary is remarkably honest as it follows residents sharing how their broken lives have been reconstituted at Founders. The courage and defiance to not surrender to their illness is revealed when a resident celebrates the publication of his autobiography titled Beyond Psychosis. In powerful candor, residents share how mental illness has not taken their life away, but presented complex challenges enabling them to discover more about themselves and their resilience. Misconceptions about mental illness will be corrected in this documentary and the effects of being marginalized and socially stigmatized will be appreciated in an acute way by viewers. The film’s existential elements reveal how residents draw meaning and purpose in life from the psychosocial rehabilitation activities at Founders. The pull for their creative expression in metaphor, and in the form of art, poetry and songwriting reveals in a magnificent, authentic medium how life is forever altered by incurable mental illness. A resident in the film sums up his life through the title of his poem Tamed with Understanding.